1st birthday thank you!

Thanks balloon

It’s our first birthday and I am so happy to have enjoyed such a fantastic first year in business.

When I started out with Petal to the Metal I had no idea how it would go, I remember talking to a friend shortly before I took the leap and almost crying about how I was making a huge mistake and that nobody would want to use me, it was complete hysteria!!

The first few months were pretty scary but I was busy working at being busy, getting on with making connections, organising a photo shoot, and generally being as proactive as I could be. By the Summer I’d gotten used to the new routine and accepted that stress and fear comes with the territory of having your own business.

12 months on and I have spent a lot of time looking back via social media and my Blog and it’s completely amazing to me how much the business has achieved, the people we met and the work that we got to do (Take a look at my 2015 review and see for yourself).

I am so proud and feel very fortunate with where I am today, the people I have around me, the clients who have invested in me, the time that has been given to advise me. You don’t realise until you start how many people are literally willing you to be a success and take a genuine pleasure in helping you achieve your goals.

Thank you to each and everyone of you for your business, your time, your talent and enthusiasm, your likes, follows and shares, your genuine encouragement and constant reassurance to continue. I absolutely love what I do and equally the people it brings me into contact with, from the ‘cor blimey’ market suppliers to the incredibly talented event professionals, the blushing brides and of course my inspiring family of florists who have taught, guided and told me I’m ok over the last 12 months. Last but not least thank you to my family, especially my 10 year old nephew Ryan who I hope to be able share all of this with at some point in the future!

So much more to do and achieve and I really hope you will continue to support and share the journey with me.

All my love

Paul x